Dig it, after a few months of painstaking product definition and a lot of work reviewing the capabilities of different communication networks, share2me launches not just a product but a company @ demo.com conference. This is a very interesting product. The tag line is "share anything. to anyone. anywhere" and thats pretty much spot on.
From a technical perspective, the major components are:
1) The browser button. This is just a simple Firefox plugin that executes a javascript url instantiating the lightbox below.
2) The lightbox. This is the visual framework for the product. It is generated using the now fairly common javascript injection technique. This enables us to grab interesting data directly from the dom of the page you are viewing.
3) The clippers. These are site specific DOM inspectors that can grab relevant information from a variety of different sources... like videos from youtube or pics from facebook.
4) The mashed up address book. You didn't think you would have to type in all those addresses manually did you? All the common web email clients are supported as well as some unexpected sources like MySpace and AIM.
5) The sharebox. This is a history of shared messages with more details... like delivery status.
6) The communication switchboard. This is the fun part. We actually send the message as a:
- MySpace comment
- MySpace message
- MySpace profile post (about me section)